Hey everyone, starting a thread here for discussion of what the focus of technical/product development for the Aleo network over the longer term. Here’s a starting point for an idea:
In my view, I think the overall goal should be convergence with Web2 protocols. Call it Web2 interoperability. snark.verify enables rollups for throughput, and then potentially building a construct to support other zkVMs that allow for recursion/more complicated logic. In addition features to support ZPass.
In general I second the ideas mentioned by @robertjordan.
A Layer 2 to increase confirmation times and lower cost of public operations is needed to compete with confirmation times on other networks and serve use cases that require high frequency.
In addition to the above at an infra level:
expansive bridging to all other networks
easy to use private shared state
Program upgradability with governance program able to have upgrade authority (being worked on)
Bytes type in SnarkVM
Natively supported hashes compatible with other networks.
Interfaces / Dynamic Composability
Increase Program Constraint Limit
Applications that I would like to see developed:
native stablecoin development both centralised and decentralised (algorithmic)
darkpool (requires private shared state)
lending protocol
Nft marketplace
Zpass utilised by multiple companies to bring all real world data on chain in different use cases.
on chain casine i.e poker, blackjack (games that need secrets)