Testnet 3.2 - Clarified

Welcome Provers!

We’re pleased to introduce Provers into the network by officially starting Testnet 3.2 phase.

Provers can start solving coinbase puzzles (PoSW) to be earning credits soon.

Introducing AleoBFT

The issue with zero-knowledge proofs is they can be slow & expensive to generate if your hardware isn’t optimized, especially for compute-intensive applications like authentication, ML, and gaming.

Aleo’s design enables you to outsource proof generation to third-party “proving services” that have the computational resources necessary to support you. This solves the hardware issue but opens another question. How do you bootstrap the proving services ecosystem?

Aleo’s new consensus mechanism. AleoBFT leverages PoS to achieve instant finality for block confirmation & leverages PoW to incentivize the development of faster techniques for a proof generation. With AleoBFT, provers solve and produce coinbase proofs on the network in exchange for a share of the coinbase rewards in each block.

With this new model, provers are now computing on the core subcomponents of zero-knowledge proofs – namely multi-scalar multiplications (MSMs) and fast-Fourier transforms (FFTs) – while earning their percentage share in proofs from each block reward.

This new design allows you to leverage the computational resources of third-party provers, while also bootstrapping the prover business model with rewards directly from the protocol.

Testnet so far…

Aleo, being a new layer-1 blockchain that leverages zero-knowledge cryptography to enable scalable and private decentralized applications, is actively being developed every day. The original model of release for Aleo Testnet 3 is to be released across three phases to avoid the issues that Testnet 2 brought during its release. Aleo’s Testnet 3 phase 1 was announced in July, allowing developers to run a client node to execute and deploy programs.

Moreover, as we all know that new technology being developed is constantly enlightening us to follow the most accurate decision to meet its product full development, Aleo with the result from Testnet 3 phase 1 (developers), found that Phase 2 (provers) running prover nodes might be more efficient, to begin with instead of primary executing and deploying. Meaning, that we have entered phase 2, as our team is actively working to correct the execute and deploy function while stabilizing the network, and waiting until phase 2 (provers) has succeeded.

Incentives (Avoiding Misunderstanding)

Incentives will be added in the near future, meaning phase 2 has started but has not implemented incentives yet, soon to be announced in 4 to 8 weeks. Provers are welcome to set a node (prover) to scale proving capacity for the Aleo ecosystem or wait until the incentivized stage. Furthermore, soon the Aleo team will kick-start the bug bounty program for snarkOS and snarkVM which will also be incentivized.

Remember that part of what determines the speed of earning credits is your server power. Minimal requirements for running a node are CPU: 16-cores (32-cores preferred) RAM: 16 GB of memory (32 GB preferred) Storage: 128 GB of disk space Network: 10 Mbps of upload and download bandwidth.

Don’t forget that provers earning 1M Aleo credits will be able to become validators in the next phase!

We are truly excited to share this journey in launching Aleo - the FIRST decentralized platform for fully-private applications. As always, huge thanks to the entire Aleo Community.

Interested in becoming a prover? You can start here. Join the official Aleo Community! We are getting closer to launching mainnet, and we invite you to be a part of our mission.
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