Proposed change to community name and ground rules

I’d like to propose a change to the community name from “Aleo Community” to “Aleo Research”.

I’d propose the focus be to discuss the underlying technology of Aleo, suggested protocol changes/upgrades, and interesting research that could be relevant to the future direction of the chain.

I would also propose disallowing any discussion about token price, liquidity, anything to do with markets etc.

I would like the forum to complement the developer Telegram group and Github. In my mind, the Telegram group should be for developer support and answering quick questions. The Github ARCs page should be discussion about ARCs in either draft or final form. And this forum can be for “long form” discussions relating to the technical direction of Aleo and the potential tradeoffs off adding support for different features, etc.


I love that idea @robertjordan

We’re currently discussing re-vitalizing this forum and using it as something along the lines of what you’ve described. Would love to have a place for people to chat integrations, development, future deployments on the Aleo Network, etc. in a way that’s async and persistent over time. Would be a super useful for new devs in the future

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